So I've made it safely! My trip went smoothly and I had no lost luggage which is amazing in the US and amazing in Haiti. Port au Prince airport was intense and much different from the one in Cap-Haitian. I got my "I've been to Haiti before" attitude out and surprised many Haitians who thought they could push me out of the way to make it throught the line first. Here, it's every man or himself, so you have to learn how to push, shove, demand your way everywhere. I really dont' think any of them mean it rudely, I think it's just their way of life.
I've had a great few days so far. All of the other nurses here are WONDERFUL! I will work three day shifts from 7am-7pm, and then switch to nights on Sunday night. Over the past 2 days, we've recieved 7 post-op patients ranging in ages 17months to 60 years old. The kids have recieved surgury on septic knees, cyst removals, ankle fusions etc. The older post-ops are hysterectomy's, fusions, and several internal hardware has been placed on fractured limbs that havn't healed well since the earthquake.
I'm really extatic that we have several babies floating around as well. One of the mother's had internal hardware replaced on her shoulder so she's needed IV antibiotcs and around the clock IV pain meds. She's as sweet as can be and I've been able to play with her little baby boy a lot! I can't wait to post a photo of him! He laughs all the time, and is so stinkin' fat! I love him to pieces. I will write about all the babies and their mothers at a later time because there's a ton I could say about them!
Other than that I'm in heaven. I love being with the patients and thier families and they call me by name which is nice. I think they all appreciate that I atleast attempt to speak to them in creole instead of using a translater and I can tell in the short time that I've spent here that my creole has improved. It's so hard to understand them because they talk so fast! I keep having to remind everyone to slow down when they talk to me!
A cold shower is calling my name now!
glad everything is well. thinking about you!